Antigone Lonely Planet

On the planet Kitsopoulou, ancient tragedy meets comedy, and Sophocles' myth snapshots from a satirical and desperate "here and now", head-on.
Can Sophocles' playwright “Antigone” be staged as a comedy. Can it truly be done? If we had to think of one person who could turn an ancient Greek tragedy into a satire, a person with a larger-than-life persona, that person would be Lena Kitsopoulou!
Setting a stage for a spectacular ancient chorus, the author and director set out to create satirical "here and now” moments within the Sophoclean myth. Reviving the relevance of ancient drama, Kitsopoulou states that "Whatever aspect of our contemporary reality someone chooses to analyze, they will inevitably come face to face with ancient tragedies.” Kitsopoulou shares her thought by comparing the characters of the play - Antigones, Creons and Aimons - to us, as in the end, we all have fears, concerns and desires.
In a production which is of a piece with her work to date, Lena Kitsopoulou remains drawn to the motifs of human madness and loneliness; as she sees it, "We have nothing else: everything else is just lies".
Sets & Costumes: Elli Papageorgakopoulou
Lighting: Nikos Vlassopoulos
Video: Aggelos Papadopoulos
Sound Design: Kostas Bokos
Assistant to the Director: Marilena Moschou
Costume & Set Design Assistants: Dimitris Aggelis, Tzina Iliopoulou, Myrto Lamprou
Production Management: Polyplanity productions / Yolanda Markopoulou and Vicky Strataki
Production: Onassis Cultural Centre