Theater Productions

You Can’t Tie a Mustang Down

Polyplanity Productions-You Can’t Tie a Mustang Down
DIRECTED BY: Takis Tzamargias
Athens Epidaurus Festival - Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus
04/08 - 05/08/2023
Polyplanity Productions-You Can’t Tie a Mustang Down

Two places, two worlds. One the one hand, Delphi, a utopia dating from the mythical times, now in the present, close to the Arachova ski resort and tavernas. On the other hand, Athens, complete with its immorality and political corruption.

In between, a foundling, a childless couple, a chance encounter and all those things that could have been fixed. In the dizzying present times, Chomenidis’ Ion chooses a solitary and healthy co-existence with nature, its joys and feasts, and refuses to be involved in public affairs and their corrupting effect.

Using Ion, Euripides’ unclassifiable tragedy – it could perhaps be more aptly called an “ironic drama” – as his starting point, Christos Chomenidis has penned a play tackling – with a light touch but in a topical manner – fundamental, timeless questions, deep-rooted in every human: power, love, lust.

Takis Tzamargias is inspired by Chomenidis’ play to create a performance, setting up fancy tables with lavish tablecloths and copious amounts of champagne on the Delphi offerings, and urging spectators to partake in a Balkan feast.

Directed by Takis Tzamargias

Dramaturgy Irene Mountraki

Set and costume design Alexandros Garnavos, Gina Iliopoulou

Music Giorgos Chrysikos

Lighting design Georgia Tselepi

Movement Angeliki Trompouki

Assistant to the director Emilia Karantzouli

Second assistant to the director Nefeli Vlachopanagioti

Assistant to set and costume design Alexandra Anastasia Ftouli
Sound engineer Dimos Livitsanos

Hair styling Thomas Galazoulas

Production technical coordination Nikos Charalampidis

Set construction Marios Ioannou

Cast (in alphabetical order) Gerasimos Gennatas, Evgenia Dimitropoulou, Lena Drosaki, Stelios Iakovidis, Gogo Brebou, Dimitris Fourlis

Musician on stage George Chrysikos

Photos Fanis Logothetis

Executive production Polyplanity Productions / Yolanda Markopoulou, Vicky Strataki
Special thanks to Moraitis School for providing their courtyard for rehearsals.
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