Matchbox, The Musical

Based On The Film By Yannis Economides.
A lower-middle class apartment heaves, fit to burst. The AC unit’s stopped working, the TV’s always on. Frappé coffee and cigarettes. The workaday strain of a coffee shop-owning father, and a mother’s overwrought voice. The rhythmic rants of a sexist son, and a brother-in-law’s grand aria. Searing words and burning questions, all re-expressed in musical ways: “What you gonna do about Linda, Vangelis?”
This crushing family massacre – centered on Dimitris, the owner of a coffee shop – soon flares up and, in the space of a single Sunday in August, everything blows sky high. Violence rockets, through the roof. The characters enter and exit this "matchbox" trailed by the desperate songs and strains of their despair. The spouse Maria, the children, assorted other kith and kin – everyone rages against everyone else. And performing solo at the heart of it all: the paterfamilias.
The Greek family we’ve come to love and hate remains unchanged, 20 years on. Its members all “scream” their own theme – each to their own music. The conflicts and dreams, problems and ills that afflict the “sacred” institution that is the Greek family all feature in this polystylistic, high-risk musical spectacle: “War! War! This is war!”
If people didn’t speak but rather sang, what would that be like? And how might “Matchbox” be made a musical? Yiannis Niarros takes up the gauntlet, attempting to answer these audacious questions in the most extreme and groundbreaking of ways. Nine musicians, eleven performers, and an extensive creative team magnify the grotesque realities of Greek family life and – steered by Yiannis Niarros and Alexandros Livitsanos’ original music – present an incredible new version of the legendary “Matchbox”.
Libretto: Yannis Economides, Doris Avgerinopoulos
Direction - Lyrics: Yiannis Niarros
Choreographies: Giota Kallimani
Artistic Direction: Yannis Economides
Artistic Direction: (Onassis Stegi) Afroditi Panagiotakou
Orchestration & Conductor: Alexandros Livitsanos
Sets: Εva Goulakou
Costumes: Ioanna Tsami
Lighting Νikos Vlassopoulos
Sound Engineer: Giannis Lampropoulos
Sound Design: Manolis Manousakis
Vocal Coach: Margarita Papadimitriou
Music Dramaturgy Associates: Giorgos Koutlis, Vasilis Magouliotis
Musicians (In Alphabetical Order): Giorgos Bouldis (Bass), Sofia Efkleidou (Cello), Dimitris Klonis (Drums), Alexandros Livitsanos (Keyboards), Spiros Nikas (Saxophone), Vassilis Panagiotopoulos (Trombone), Yiannis Papadopoulos (Piano), Kostas Sapounis (Trumpet), Dimitris Stasinos (Guitar)
First Assistant Director: Anastasia Stylianidi
Second Assistant Director: Isabella Kasimati
Orchestration Assistant: Giorgos Karoubalos
Assistant To Sound Designer: Kostas Stylianou
Assistant To Sound Engineer: Vasilis Aleksopoulos
Assistant To Musical Accompaniment: Vaso Karioti
Assistant Set Designer: Elli Papadaki
Costumes Designer Assistants: Alexandra Ntelitheou, Vassiliki Sourri
Set Construction: Vasilis Charalambopoulos
Assistant To Set Construction: Nathan Carey
Production Technical Coordinator: Nikos Charalampidis
Line Production: Polyplanity Productions / Yolanda Markopoulou & Vicky Strataki
Produced By Onassis Stegi
Surtitles Operator: Grigoris Stathopoulos, Christos Papamichael
Audio Description Script: Vanessa Kalpia, Maria Thrasyvoulidi
Audio Description Narration and Tactile Tour: Maria Thrasyvoulidi, Giorgos Frantzeskakis
Subtitles And Audio Description Editing: Kerasia Michalopoulou
Greek Sign Language Interpretation: Androniki Xanthopoulou, Konstantinos Christodoulakos, Antonis Christoforou
Coordination And Production of Accessibility Services: Liminal